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We're Moving!

(But not for a while!)

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East Links Family Park's lease at Hedderwick Hill in West Barns is coming to an end in 2026. So we're teaming up with the Brand Family at East Fortune so that East Links Family Park can stay in East Lothian (only 15 minutes away from the current site!) and keep providing the same farm themed fun we've created over the last 21 years.

Below you can view our plans and imaginings for what the farm will look like.

We also have a feedback form so that the community views can be heard and used to improve the plans we will be submitting.

If submitting a feedback form please make sure to view and read the plans thoroughly!

Drawings, Proposals and Opportunity 

Views toward the farm from the surrounding areas.

2nd Public Consultation

Below are the information boards created for the second Public Consultation event. These showcase and respond to the feedback we received from the public after the first Public Consultation event.

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